Sunday, 21 August 2016

GSoC 2016 IBus-Braille-Enhancement Project - Summary

   First of all my thanks to Indic Project and Swathanthra Malayalam Computing(SMC) for accepting this project. All hats off to my mentors Nalin Sathyan and Samuel Thibault. The project was awesome and I believe that I have done my maximum without any prior experience

Project Blog :

Now let me outline what we have done during this period.

Braille-Input-Tool (The on-line version)
  Just like Google transliteration or Google Input Tools online. This is required because it's completely operating system independent and it's a modern method which never force user to install additional plugin or specific browser. The user might use this form temporary places like internet cafe. This is written using JQuery and Html. And works well in GNU/Linux, Microsoft windows, Android etc

See All Commits :
Test with following link :

IBus-Braille enhancements
See All Commits :

1 IBus-Braille integrated with Liblouis : The Liblouis software suite provides an open-source braille translator, back-translator and formatter for a large number of languages and braille codes. So maintaining and shipping separate braille maps(located at /share/ibus-sharada-braille/braille) with ibus-braille is a bad idea. Through this we completely adopted Ibus-Braille to use Liblouis. The conversion is done in an entire word manner instead of each letter. ie the conversion does after writing direct braille unicode and pressing space.
Commit 1 :
Commit 2 :
Commit 3 :

See Picture of Ibus-Braille preferences given below

2 8-Dot braille Enabled : Yes languages having more than 64 characters which can't be handled with 64 (6 dots ) combination are there, Music notations like  “Abreu” and LAMBDA (Linear Access to Mathematics for Braille Device and Audio Synthesis) uses 8-dot braille system.  unicode support 8-dot braille.
Commit 1 :

See key/shortcut page picture of ISB preferences dot setting

3 Dot 4 issue Solved :  In IBus-Braille when we type in bharati braille such as Malayalam, Hindi, etc. we have to use 13-4-13 to get letter ക്ക(Kka). But according to braille standard in order to get EKKA one should press 4-13-13. And this make beginners to do extra learning to start typing. Through this project we solved this issues and a conventional-braille-mode switch is provided in preferences in order to switch between.

Commit :

4 Add Facility to write direct Braille Unicode : Now one can use IBus-Braille to type braille dot notation directly with the combination.  The output may be sent to a braille embosser. Here braille embosser is an impact printer that renders text in braille characters as tactile braille cells.

Commit :

5 Three to Six for disabled people with one hand : A three key implementation which uses delay factor between key presses for example 13 followed by
13 having delay less than delay factor (eg:0.2) will give X. If more, then output would be KK. If one want to type a letter having combination only 4,5,6 he have to press "t" key prior. The key and the Conversion-Delay can be adjusted from preferences.

Commit :

6 Arabic language added
Commit :

7 Many bugs solved
Commit :
others are implied

Project Discourse :
IBus-Sharada-Braille (GSoC 2014) :

Plugins for firefox and chrome
    This plugin can be installed will work with every text entry on the web pages no need for copy paste. extensions are written in Javascript.
See All Commits :

Modification yet desirable are as following

1 Announce extra information through Screen Reader:  When user expand abbreviation or a contraction having more than 2 letters is substituted the screen reader is not announcing it. We have to write a orca(screen reader) plugin for Ibus-Braille

2 A UI for Creating and Editing Liblouis Tables

3 Add support for more Indic Languages and Mathematica Operators via liblouis

Braille-input-tool (online version)
                       Liblouis integration
Conventional Braille, Three Dot mode and Table Type selection 
Chrome Extension

Direct braille unicode typing
 Eight dot braille enabled

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

IBus-Braille Enhancement - 3

 A hard week passed!

1 Conventional Braille Mode enabled : Through this we solved dot-4 issue and now one can type using braille without any extra knowledge

commit 1 :

2 handle configure parser exceptions : corrupted isb configuration file can make it won't start. so I solved this by proper exception handling

commit 2 :

3 Liblouis integration : I think our dream is about to come true!  But still also we are struggling with vowel substitution on the middle.
commit 3 :
commit 4 :
commit 5 :

Monday, 8 August 2016

IBus-Braille Enhancement - 2

Hi, with this week I where fighting with my final semester exams! and it's over.  Also within this week I added the facility for typing direct braille Unicode.

instead of converting to Unicode I added it as a new language so that one can later edit and use. 

Friday, 29 July 2016

IBus-Braille Enhancement - 1

  This week I forked IBus-Braille project from SMC GitLab repository  added two things.

1 Eight-Dot braille enabled. Now one can add languages with 8 dot's. The default keys are Z for dot 7 and period for dot-8. This can be remapped using preferences.

2 Arabic Language added and tested with users

See commits :

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

work progress in browser-addon

 About two months passed. We do many testing on online braille-input tool. And some widgets rearranged for user comforts. In the recent weeks we made a good progress in both Firefox and Chrome browser addons. But still we suffer from a grate problem with  these addons, The plugins are not working in google chat and Facebook chat entry's.  We are seeking the solution...

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Braille-Input-Tool : The final touch


            With this two weeks we have done many testing with users and done many additions according to their needs. The first one  is Key reassigning. as you know there are many keyboard variants also user like to set there own keys instead of using f,d,s,j,k and l. But this make the necessity of saving user preferences. So we done this using jstorage. it's working fine

Key reassigning can be done by clicking "Configure Keys" button which will popup many entry's where user can remap his keys. Restore option is also provided there.

New and Save are the basic things that should be provided by a online editor

Changing font color, font size and background color are very impotent for partially impaired blind people. For keeping the page accessible we choose combobox containing major color list instead of providing graphical color picker

Various bugfixes

Braille-Input-Tool :
See all commits :

Monday, 20 June 2016

Bug fixes on Online Braille-Input-Tool

  The first month is over, the webpage is almost finished we gone through many bugs in the last week. Sathyaseelan mash and Balaram G really helped us to find out the bugs. One of the crucial and not easy to detect was the bug with map initialization.  We take lot of time to find and fix it.  Another one was with the insertion of text at the middle. following are the names of other commits

CapsLock(G) and Beginning-Middle switch(Alt)
Simple mode checkbox
Word and letter deletion enabled
Abbreviation enabled

Saturday, 11 June 2016

Basic Online Braille-Input Tool


         As three weeks passed, After developing basic Chrome and Firefox extensions we moved to development of webpage braille-input where one can type in six key way. For achieving this we have gone through a lot of things such as Ajax, jQuery, JSON, Apache web server, etc..  The most major referred links are given at the end of this post. even my mentor also new to web based developments he always suggest me to keep it more ideal as possible.  Even the concept of Map switching bitween the begining, middle and contraction list was bit difficult to understand later I realize that's the way it should be. Finaly when we requesting for a space to host the web page one of another mentor from my organization Akshay S Dinesh gave us a hint about facility in Github itself to host. So we done it with a simple effort even we faced jQery download problem and Contraction file listing.

Source Code :

Now one can try it using the following link

Now we have to implement Abbreviations, Simple-Mode, Open, New , Save, Option to change font, font size, Background and Foreground Color etc.. as done in Sharada-Braille-Writer.

Refered Links :

Monday, 23 May 2016

How would be the browser extensions

Hi All,

       Yes the community bonding period is over and coding period started. Me and my mentor really happy to announce that with this community bonding period we just made the basic chrome and firefox extensions that can show how it's going to be!! Once again thanks to my mentor and varnam project. The code is hosted on github with the name braille-browser-addons.

Repository URL :

To test it in firefox do the following steps
1 - git clone
2 - cd braille-browser-addons/firefox/
3 - jpm run -b /usr/bin/firefox
4 - Go to and right click on text entry,from the context menu select Enable from braille sub menu.
5 - Try typing l(fds), k(fs), a(f), b(fd), c(fj)

To test it in chrome
1 - git clone
2 - Open chrome browser
3 - Go to settings and select extensions
4 - Check Developer mode
5 - Click Load unpacked extensions
6 - Choose chrome folder from braille-browser-addons
7 - Go to and right click on text entry,from the context menu select Enable from braille sub menu.
8 - Try typing l(fds), k(fs), a(f), b(fd), c(fj)


An article that I read from OpenSourceForU May 2016
Courtesy  : CHMK Library, University Of Calicut

Thank You,

Saturday, 14 May 2016

The initial work

Hi All,
It is really good for me to engaged with free software activities which are interesting for me. I felt great to learn new aspects of life. Also as a new one to SMC and Indic project I get a lot's of new experiences such Instant Relay Chat (#smc-project).

As I mentioned earlier my first target is to create the web interface. As the first and easy step I tried to create a webpage that shows a textarea and user can type in braille way. Since I have no previous experience and lot of things to do immediately I asked my mentor for a hint and he said it can be done with a javascript and learn more about Apache2 webserver. After learning the working strategy of IBus-Braille and some works I just implemented a basic mechanism for testing the possibility and it worked!!. The code is as follows.

   <textarea id="brailletextarea" cols=60 rows=30 type="textarea" onKeyPress="KeyPress(event)" onKeyUp="KeyRelease(event)"> </textarea>
    var items = "";
    function KeyPress(event)
    function case_insensitive_comp(strA, strB) 
  return strA.toLowerCase().localeCompare(strB.toLowerCase());

    function KeyRelease(event)
brailletextarea = document.getElementById('brailletextarea');
if(items != ""){
items = items.split("");
items = items.sort( case_insensitive_comp )
items = items.join("");

if(items == "f"){
brailletextarea.value = brailletextarea.value+"a";
if(items == "df"){
brailletextarea.value = brailletextarea.value+"b";
if(items == "fs"){
brailletextarea.value = brailletextarea.value+"k";
if(items == "dfs"){
brailletextarea.value = brailletextarea.value+"l";
if(items == "fj"){
brailletextarea.value = brailletextarea.value+"c";
if(items == " ")
brailletextarea.value = brailletextarea.value+" ";

Then I where searching over the internet for how extensions are created. On that time mentor Nalin gave me a good hint( which is varnam project( Varnam is a cross platform opensource transliterator for Indian languages which have browser extentions hosted on github. I cloned the codebase of varnam-browser-addon and read it and I understand that it's the best place start the project. Also later I realize that varnam project is also a part of Swathanthra Malayalam Computing(SMC) done by navaneeth.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

My Observations on the Ibus Braille Project


I am very happy about GSOC 2016 has accepted my proposal on IBus Braille Enhancemnet.   

I convey my thanks to the Indic Project Team for requesting a slot for my project proposal.

Here I am writing about the staus of the Ibus Braille Enhancement Project.
As the coding has officially not started. I also didn't started coding till today.
I am making the analysis and studying about the Ibus Sharada Braille project done by Mr. Nalin Sathyan. I am happy to say that he is mentoring me in this project along with Samuel Thibault. So I got 2 experts as mentors. I am thanking Indic team for giving me those potential mentors.

As of today

Communicating with the mentor Nalin Sathyan directly because he is in the   same university where I am from. He gave me so many suggestion regarding how the User Interface should look like and how the mapping of the keys should be done. He told me about how he implemented the Ibus Sharada Braille project.

Had lots of communication with Mr.Sathyan Master One of the Potential users of the Ibus Sharada Braille Project. He is a teacher in Kasargod Govt School for the Blind. He trains his students typing using the Ibus Braille Project. I got some opinions from so many students those who are using the project. they like the project a lot and felt simple to type the languages Malayalm and English using the Ibus Braille Keyborad.

Some people suggested me about they are not able to use this because they are from the Windows platform. I am now a little bit concerned about the Web User Interface one of the core component of my proposed project.

I am getting into the other segments of the project which I described in my Proposal. It may be spotted after getting it thoroughly.

Thank You

Friday, 18 March 2016

This is draft proposal and updates will be listed below after proposal accepted